Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Vintage Household Odds and Ends

So... running errands today did not include a written list.  That means I deviated from the intangible to-do list in my head and stopped by a charity shop and found a few things super el cheapo.  I also found something on Sunday, and there's something I forgot to show you a long time ago.

I quit smoking years ago.  I love cigarettes.  I miss them.  I've also seen someone die a slow, painful death from lung cancer, and I hate the idea of developing what I call "hag wrinkles" around my mouth.  I bought a cool ashtray anyway.
It looks like it hovered into my home from outer space.  I love it.
I also bought a planter.  I've been looking for more.  Plant pots these days just aren't the colors I need.  This one had a few imperfections, but I'm just gonna fill it with dirt anyway, so who cares?!

This baby's going on top of my room divider shelf alongside the other one.  I'm putting soil and a rooted cutting in it tonight.
So, I may or may not have mentioned that my tool arsenal has outgrown my toolbox.  Being raised by a carpenter, I was sent out into the world with one when I left home, and being raised by a carpenter, I fix or revamp a lot of things myself and acquired way more tools than my toolbox could hold.  I was not about to pay a lot of money for a cool old toolbox at an antique store or online, so I was delighted when I found this:
It's huge.  I'm not sure if it'll fit on the floor of my coat closet, but I'll make it fit somewhere around here...
A while back, I found a bunch of cool, cheap stuff at an estate sale.  Among these things were these:
I never knew colored aluminum coasters existed.  I've seen pitchers and cups galore, but never coasters!  Seems like they wouldn't be very effective at keeping condensation off of surfaces, or not scratching them.  That's precisely why I'll be backing them with felt- I can't scratch up my formica!  Maybe I'll try it on one of them and see how it works.

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