Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Peachy Keen

Once upon a time, my dear friend Karen gave me a lovely quilted bedjacket.  I'm about to start using such things as I keep the windows open on cool nights.
It's handmade, and silk.

This pretty thing was found in a questionable neighborhood, hiding in the lingerie and sleepwear rack.
It's a no-name, but pretty nonetheless.  
Very reminiscent of Gil Elvgren pinups, backlit in sheer robes and nightgowns. 

So, the moral of the story is: If you have friends who also hoard vintage, or you venture into sketchy neighborhoods in your thrifting adventures, you get pretty things.  The End.


  1. Great Elvgren set.

    But for God's sake, whatEVER you do:

    Your panties will fall off - just like *that*.

    Formica...who *knows*

  2. HahaHAA! I think that was Art Frahm whose pinups were always losing their panties. I thought another artist did those a lot, but I can't figure out who. Now I'll have to flip through my Elvgren books and see if anyone's panties are falling!
